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With the ARA-C01 certification exam you can climb up the corporate ladder faster and achieve your professional career objectives. Do you plan to enroll in the Snowflake ARA-C01 certification exam? Looking for a simple and quick way to crack the ARA-C01 test? If your answer is yes then you need to start Snowflake ARA-C01 Test Preparation with Snowflake ARA-C01 PDF Questions and practice tests. With the PrepAwayPDF SnowPro Advanced Architect Certification ARA-C01 practice test questions you can prepare yourself shortly for the final Snowflake ARA-C01 exam.
How does a standard virtual warehouse policy work in Snowflake?
Answer: A
A standard virtual warehouse policy is one of the two scaling policies available for multi-cluster warehouses in Snowflake. The other policy is economic. A standard policy aims to prevent or minimize queuing by starting additional clusters as soon as the current cluster is fully loaded, regardless of the number of queries in the queue. This policy can improve query performance and concurrency, but it may also consume more credits than an economic policy, which tries to conserve credits by keeping the running clusters fully loaded before starting additional clusters. The scaling policy can be set when creating or modifying a warehouse, and it can be changed at any time.
Snowflake Documentation: Multi-cluster Warehouses
Snowflake Documentation: Scaling Policy for Multi-cluster Warehouses
An Architect clones a database and all of its objects, including tasks. After the cloning, the tasks stop running.
Why is this occurring?
Answer: A
When a database is cloned, all of its objects, including tasks, are also cloned. However, cloned tasks are suspended by default and must be manually resumed by using the ALTER TASK command. This is to prevent the cloned tasks from running unexpectedly or interfering with the original tasks. Therefore, the reason why the tasks stop running after the cloning is because they are suspended by default (Option C). Options A, B, and D are not correct because tasks can be cloned, the objects that the tasks reference are also cloned and do not need to be fully qualified, and the Architect does not need to alter the tasks on the cloned database, only resume them. Reference: The answer can be verified from Snowflake's official documentation on cloning and tasks available on their website. Here are some relevant links:
Cloning Objects | Snowflake Documentation
Tasks | Snowflake Documentation
ALTER TASK | Snowflake Documentation
How can an Architect enable optimal clustering to enhance performance for different access paths on a given table?
Answer: B
According to the SnowPro Advanced: Architect documents and learning resources, the best way to enable optimal clustering to enhance performance for different access paths on a given table is to create multiple materialized views with different cluster keys. A materialized view is a pre-computed result set that is derived from a query on one or more base tables. A materialized view can be clustered by specifying a clustering key, which is a subset of columns or expressions that determines how the data in the materialized view is co-located in micro-partitions. By creating multiple materialized views with different cluster keys, an Architect can optimize the performance of queries that use different access paths on the same base table. For example, if a base table has columns A, B, C, and D, and there are queries that filter on A and B, or on C and D, or on A and C, the Architect can create three materialized views, each with a different cluster key: (A, B), (C, D), and (A, C). This way, each query can leverage the optimal clustering of the corresponding materialized view and achieve faster scan efficiency and better compression.
Snowflake Documentation: Materialized Views
Snowflake Learning: Materialized Views
An Architect needs to grant a group of ORDER_ADMIN users the ability to clean old data in an ORDERS table (deleting all records older than 5 years), without granting any privileges on the table. The group's manager (ORDER_MANAGER) has full DELETE privileges on the table.
How can the ORDER_ADMIN role be enabled to perform this data cleanup, without needing the DELETE privilege held by the ORDER_MANAGER role?
Answer: D
The diagram shows the process flow for Snowpipe auto-ingest with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) with the following steps:
Step 1: Data files are loaded in a stage.
Step 2: An Amazon S3 event notification, published by SNS, informs Snowpipe - by way of Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) - that files are ready to load. Snowpipe copies the files into a queue.
Step 3: A Snowflake-provided virtual warehouse loads data from the queued files into the target table based on parameters defined in the specified pipe.
If an AWS Administrator accidentally deletes the SQS subscription to the SNS topic in Step 2, what will happen to the pipe that references the topic to receive event messages from Amazon S3?
Answer: A
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